Welcome to the Shelby's first outing at Road America!!




MFBA Z06 Chase
Shelby Outing I
Shelby Outing II "Damians Ride"
Shelby Outing III "Damians Ride End of Session"
Shelby Outing III
Shelby Outing IV
Shelby Outing V "Play with Marv and Clay"
Shelby Outing VI "2:39 Lap"
Shelby Outing VII "Bruce and Andy split-screen"
Footage From Mike's Camera
C6-Z06 short AKA Swine Flew (Low res)
C6-Z06 short AKA Swine Flew (Med res)
C6-Z06 short AKA Swine Flew (High res)




The Shelby Arrives at the track

Shelby in the paddock

Shelby in the paddock

Shelby in the paddock

Morning in the paddock

Shelby in the paddock

Turn 3

Turn 5

Event prep

Turn 14

Front Brake Duct Plate

Shelby fast lap

GT500 Scale Readout

GT500 On Scales